FEB 27 | 8:15 PM

What happens when Oizys visits? In a space filled with live music and sound, dancers embody and confront our anxiety, asking what it takes to redirect its power and provoke change. Take a number; grab a seat: welcome to the Waiting Room. This performance includes audience participation.


At home in Washington, DC, Glade Dance Collective has commanded stages since 2009 with provocative, emotionally charged work. Glade is dedicated to collaboration—with audiences, with other artists, and most importantly with each other. Our collective choreographic process offers freedom for every member to have a say in movement generation, in overall narrative structure and storyboarding, and in production elements. Our work tends toward the narrative, and we are drawn to stories of personal, communal, and political resonance.
Zooxanthellae is the solo project of cellist Erin Snedecor, who combines her classical upbringing with electronica, pop, and noise to create introspective instrumental pieces. “Oizys in the Waiting Room” is Zooxanthellae’s premiere work. Snedecor can be heard in a variety of projects in the MD/DC area, including Black Rhinoceros, DoubleSpeak, Balance Campaign, and Pompeii Graffiti.