March 5 3:30 pm

My concept for  Attunment/“a-tune: meant”  means hearing the spirit of Aminata Moseka in her poetry, writing and journals and allowing a guidance thru aligning with her work and composing from their…along side longtime collaborator: Michael Bowie, Abbey Lincoln’s MD for over a decade. An experience, of going beyond empathy to create an experience of unbroken feeling connectedness by providing a reciprocal affect and/or resonating response. My concept for A*tune*meant/“attunement” includes hearing the spirit of Aminata Moseka in her poetry, writing and journals and allowing a guidance thru aligning with her creative responses to life by reflecting, sensing and sounding feelings in ways that resonate with the tone of her philosophy. Composing from that vibration. How will I do that? Thru research or her estate, resonating and composing from those experiences.