October 21

Crucified is based on nonfictional circumstances that circled Horne’s childhood trauma and the recent transition of her mother, resulting in hatred and demise. She decided to use her pain to enlighten others, sharing her story and showing her triumph, her claim to victor and not a victim. It’s also her wish to be an example to anyone suffering from an addiction to escape. ​
“Crucified” shows the slow redemption of a young woman’s battle with addiction, making childhood trauma resurface, revealing the secrets of a once tight-knit family, and forcing them to show their true colors as they demonize an innocent soul.
SDH Entertainment first came about in 2014, when the founder wrote and directed her first stage play, “What Life Has In Store.” after two sold-out shows filled with laughter, and tears, Sheena D knew she’d been in her purpose. Since then, formally known as SDH Productions has gone on to write more stage plays with controversial and thought-provoking topics, such as “Judge Me Not,” which challenged people not to make snap judgments based on outer appearance. In 2018, “Make A Change to Keep Some Change” lightened the load with a comedic-filled position setting a reminder that the most extraordinary lies within, and that’s the true wealth of life treasures.
SDH Entertainment LLC, home of “Breaking General Curses One Performance At A Time.” We produce high-quality: StagePlays, Feature Films, TelePlays & Short Films that spark the mind and engage audiences while inspiring change. 
Follow SDH Entertainment and the play at @crucified.stageplay